You Snooze, You Lose

You Snooze, You Lose - by Nikki Brormann

Nikki Brörmann has only one aim in life: to do the right thing and thereby change the world for the better. As an applied ethicist she loves to analyze concrete moral questions to create context and conditions for achieving good decisions, decent policies and the good life.

For Frame Works she wrote an essay on the evolution of missing out in an environment where the Internet reminds us 24/7 what other things we could be doing. How can we not fail?

At the bottom of this page you’ll find her essay “You snooze, you lose: an essay on missing out”. On Sunday 13 September Nikki will provide Frame Work with an interactive lecture on the subject. Feel free to join us! We gather at 15.00 and start 15.30 sharp at Friday Next.

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Read the full essay here:YouSnoozeYouLose